1.   Arab states have condemned the violence and called for an urgent Arab summit to address the crisis.

2.   After the Northridge Quake, former Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi addressed the crisis by expanding the FAIR plan to cover all areas of the state.

3.   But if adolescents are always deemed inadequate, how can we know when the indictment is true and when we really need to address this crisis?

4.   But these fears were eased Friday by the news that the United States seemed ready to play a more active role in addressing the crisis.

5.   Gregory insisted at a news conference on Saturday that the pope would leave the American church to address its crisis as it saw fit.

6.   If Mbeki does not begin to address the crisis, millions more deaths will follow.

7.   Increased funding along the lines Bush promised in his campaign would do much to address the crisis.

8.   It goes without saying that romance will blossom, old hurts will be healed, personal crises addressed and much reminiscing of the good old days will take place.

9.   Only a few network television shows have taken steps to address the crisis directly.

10.   Others are more willing to grant the government more latitude to address the crisis at hand.

v. + crisis >>共 360
resolve 11.40%
end 9.64%
discuss 6.92%
defuse 6.62%
solve 4.68%
face 3.44%
handle 2.96%
ease 2.64%
cause 1.94%
create 1.87%
address 1.20%
address + n. >>共 1243
issue 13.86%
problem 9.10%
concern 5.95%
question 3.32%
crowd 2.58%
nation 2.32%
need 1.86%
conference 1.73%
meeting 1.49%
rally 1.42%
crisis 0.49%
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